What side of the fence are you on?
I keep hearing how tea is the new coffee and I have to say I enjoy a cup or two a day.
But coffee, well I cant seem to give it up. Is it the addictive properties or all those lovely antioxidants, or is it merely a habit?
I have learnt of late that tea contains L-Theanine which is said to help relieve stress by inducing a relaxing effect without drowsiness. I wonder if that’s why tea is always the go-to in a crisis situation (that is if you aren’t already having a brandy by the time the kettle has boiled!)
Well I thought we should take a look at the beautiful side of these two vices and perhaps take an aesthetic vote.
Cast Iron Teapot from Coffee and Tea Lovers
Aurora Ceramic Teapot from Interior Mode
Glass Tea Pot from T2Tea
Chemex Coffee Jar from Peoples Coffee
Breville U Machine from Nespresso
So, whats the verdict? I think I will have to side with the Tea lovers on this one, those teapots are just divine, however the caramel tones of the coffee have a calm and warming effect, mmmm maybe I will just stay on the fence!