PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE… To collect things you need to be patient, it takes time to seek, locate and acquire objects, and then to group and display. I think you are born a collector but the best collections are those that belong to patient people. You see, my stamp album got discarded early on as I didn’t like all the blank spaces. My collection of Dolls of the World was fantastic, but I needed more, the collection couldn’t
Interior Styling
Oh Deer Me
It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when my affair with antlers started; what do they and I have in common? I’m certainly not a hunter nor remotely even related to one in fact long forgotten memories of Bambi come to mind and I shudder internally and maybe even externally. However, I am obsessed, totally in love with these objects of desire. Perhaps it was the paper Mache deer heads I noticed in Redcurrant in one of my weekly trips there a