Living Room

Goodbye Carmo, Hello Hugo

GOODBYE CARMO, HELLO HUGO Well, I have finally said goodbye to Carmo! Carmo and I have enjoyed a relationship for seven years but are ready to part ways. Perhaps it is the seven-year itch, though I wouldn’t say we are not compatible anymore. The fact we have rehomed ourselves and Carmo is not so sympathetic to the vibe of this little grey house means the beginning of a new relationship. Carmo was very happy at my little black
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Hanging by a String

HANGING BY A STRING This house little grey house is not large, but it is spacious, if that makes sense. Open plan living allows for these smaller homes to have the illusion of space even if it is all smoke and mirrors. I’ve also shared plenty about my need to anchor, to attach or float furniture as opposed to placing it. The String Shelving System is all about that! Designed in 1949 by a husband and wife duo
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Stairway to Heaven

STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN Well maybe not heaven but its looking a whole lot better than it did pre-lockdown. These stairs were stripped of their carpet in a renovation that never got finished. Perhaps they were to be re-carpeted, perhaps they were going to be finished with a wood overlay, who knows, but here in lockdown my #bubblepartner and I are looking to finish off this mid-century reno the cheapest way possible using what we have, perhaps to prove
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My Obsession with Chairs

MY OBSESSION WITH CHAIRS My obsession with chairs runs deep.  It started in my late teens when I had no money, I did however, own a 2-bedroom unit.  I begged, borrowed and stole four wooden chairs that were painted white.  I painted each one of these a different colour, (yes monochrome me); red, yellow, blue and green, (well it was the late 80’s/90’s).  Placed around an old Kauri table they looked incredibly cool – think ‘Friends’. So fast
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How much White is too much White?

HOW MUCH WHITE IS TOO MUCH WHITE? I’ve always loved homes for their quirkiness.  This said there is sometimes a need for simplicity or peace that can only be achieved by removing the very thing which makes a home unique. For me the exposed beams created a point of difference but painting them white would provide me with a light and airey space.  In the end paint won. The beams added character and a point of difference, but
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Styling 101 – The Sofa

STYLING 101 – THE SOFA A sofa without cushions for me is like walks without my dog, gin without tonic or mornings without coffee, but getting the right cushions for that sofa is a big ask and with the cost of a single cushion pushing upwards of $80 you need to get it right – first time! Think about how you put an outfit together; is it instinct that tells you those shoes won’t work with that bag
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How to style your coffee table (in 5 easy steps)

STYLING 101 – THE COFFEE TABLE Stylists have a knack of grabbing what is available and arranging it in a way that looks perfect, without being too perfect and its all because of these 5 simple rules;  Vary your heights  Use odd numbers  Contrast colour Add an item from nature Contain smaller items And using these 5 simple things; Books; add a pile or add just one, books convey your interest, they provide the ability to add height
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Styling 101 | The Living Room

STYLING 101 | THE LIVING ROOM Most of us are blessed with more than one living space.  This space usually incorporates the Kitchen and Dining area, a sofa or two are usually placed somewhere in the configuration and it makes for easy living. I don’t recommend a Television in this space but most people add one so they can watch the news or such as they work in the kitchen.  My reasoning is clear; this space is about
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Yin vs Yang

YIN vs YANG Today there is little feminine vs masculine on the blog. We all know that Instagram is full of beautiful images in white, dove grey and blush;  they capture our eye and we like them, love them even. I am guessing there’s a little colour phycology involved. That combination obviously appeals to our feminine side and brings out qualities such as compassion, nurture and kindness, but what about the boys?  How do they feel about those
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One Sofa Three Ways

ONE SOFA THREE WAYS Our sofa takes a lot of knocks, it should therefore be the most expensive piece of furniture in your living room, right?  Wrong!  Whether your sofa be Big Save or Bo Concept if it suits your needs and/or your style, then it is right for you.  Remember the more expensive you go the longer you will have it and it must see you through a possible house move, a redecorate and perhaps kids! We have
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