Well, I have finally said goodbye to Carmo!
Carmo and I have enjoyed a relationship for seven years but are ready to part ways. Perhaps it is the seven-year itch, though I wouldn’t say we are not compatible anymore. The fact we have rehomed ourselves and Carmo is not so sympathetic to the vibe of this little grey house means the beginning of a new relationship.
Carmo was very happy at my little black house. It sat happily with the tall ceilings, which were flattering to its straight lines and formal rigidity.

Carmo is easy to style; its cubic and solid presence allows for adornment. Dane’s know just how to mix elegant minimalism with functional quality to create timelessness.

This little grey house is older and wiser, more relaxed, and happier to roll with the punches. A little curve offers an updated vibe much more fitting for its period.

Enter Hugo. Much more of a character as its name suggests. Hugo’s design hails from Belgium, but he was crafted in Indonesia. His designer, Jacques Deneef, must have had comfort in mind because the style urges the sitter to relax and unwind. Exactly what I, too, have in mind for this little grey house and its dwellers!

By the way, Curves and arches are said to be trending in 2024, so we here in this little grey house are also very much in vogue!

The Total Cost was $9,580. However, denying ourselves the urge for a good sleep-in and shopping on New Year’s Day saved us $1,916, making the total cost to us $7664