This house little grey house is not large, but it is spacious, if that makes sense. Open plan living allows for these smaller homes to have the illusion of space even if it is all smoke and mirrors.
I’ve also shared plenty about my need to anchor, to attach or float furniture as opposed to placing it. The String Shelving System is all about that! Designed in 1949 by a husband and wife duo as a competition entry. The competition in Sweden was organised by a public library… they wanted entries for book shelves – they needed to sell books and it was noticed that in Sweden the residents didn’t own book shelves.

Now it all sounds a bit like a quirky movie doesn’t it? Almost a bit like Chocolat, remember that movie, that’s a blast from my past for sure! Well perhaps there is a movie to be made about Nisse and Kajsa Strinning’s rise to fame with a simple bookshelf entry all those years ago. Who knows? But what I do know for sure is that STRING is dominant in Sweden and surrounding countries, the apartments on that side of the world aren’t big and shelving systems that can be built to accomodate the space you have piece by piece makes sense.

For this reason it makes sense here too, on the other side of the world I may be, but I understand the need to have something lightweight, adaptable and beautiful to hold my treasures, including books, that can be built, structured to suit my space.

String here is not cheap, you have to look on it as an investment. Luckily he who talks much has a soft spot for String and an even softer spot for a good background story, so more String made its way here, adding to what came with me from my little black house, to create a focal point in our small, but spacious living area.

Now for a low down on some of the treasures adorning my beautiful String.

Kay Bojesen monkey Danish design from 1951

Abstract Thinker Statue and Staff Nagel Candlesticks. My tip; if you want to make a statement don’t buy the Temu copies. Save up and buy the original!
String System as pictured $5163.00