Well I don’t know about you but I’m getting a little tired of staring at the same four walls. During these Lockdowns it can feel a little like they are closing in on you no matter how bright and white they may be.
Though there is limited supply of non-necessity items during these enforced stay at home mandates having moved from a big house in the country to a small house in the city I can usually conjure up a thing or two to change things around and use up some of my excess time and energy… I mean there is only so much walking you can do… right?.
So having made my hallway (after last level 4) just a little more beautiful by adding a wood and glass door I decided to enhance it a just a little more by adding a gallery wall. I have always wanted one and though the hall is a difficult place to pull this off I was up for the challenge… you will note in the photo below that just one piece of art adorned the wall originally.

Now my art collection is my art collection and what I say to the haters is that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’. Your art choices should be yours and yours alone. There is however a right and wrong way to hang your art and narrow hallways like mine aren’t usually the place but like I said my house is small and wall space is premium so hallway it is… perhaps, though its not a place where anyone can take a step back and admire it, it is a place that will draw you in and with the glass door causing the eye to take a peek its not such a bad spot after all.

And finally the finishing piece (now this wasn’t just lying around, I had ordered it a month before lockdown) and a week into Level 3 it arrived safe and sound, so TA-DA, introducing the Ferm Pond Mirror, what better piece to finish off my hallway project with its organic, open and fluid form, and while technically not art I think it should wear the name with honour.

My hallway is busier there is no denying that but with a monochrome palette you can afford to defy the design rules a little, just don’t defy those Level 4 rules no matter how desperate you get!