I have to admit I have never bought into sustainable practices and for that I am now truely ashamed!
It all started with a Sustainability Project in my workplace and I have to say this Internal Evaluation has been not only an eye-opener but a game-changer for me.
Yes, there is still a roll of clingfilm in my kitchen drawer but its nearing the end-of-roll and end-of-life in my little house! Yes this does cause me a little anxiety but I am coming to terms with it!
I used to think ‘what can I do that will make any difference what-so-ever?’ What I have learnt is that the planet truly does need help and it needs everyone to make changes even if small.
Here are some, quite stylish, changes – if I do say so myself! I’m calling it my ‘I’ list because I am genuinely quite proud!

- I have begun to shop in stores that (might I say) are a very trendy take on what we would have used to call Bulk Bins. These stores have such an organic type feel, they make you want to break out the French Market Basket, flag the makeup and dress in denim, gingham and converse.
- I have welcomed glass back into my life and while I wanted, with all my design heart, to buy a very expensive, very beautiful set of Glass Jars with Black Wooden Srew Top Lids, I opted for a very inexpensive Glass Jar with White Aluminium Lid, aka, a Hocking Jar.
- I have paired back my cleaners, do I really need a cleaner for every surface? Does a ‘floor cleaner’ clean the floors any better than dish detergent and a few drops of essential oil? I think not!
- I have begun to cook a little more from scratch – minimising the pre-packed/pre-prepared meals or snacks. I actually can boil my own brown rice rather than calling upon Ben and his little microwave bags (btw when did Ben actually drop the title Uncle? It’s always been Uncle Ben!).
- I have (or nearly have) deleted Clingfilm, (I’m not technically allowed to use the brand name of the this roll of plastic stuff which wraps and sticks). Im down to my last couple of metres I’d say and so I have begun to use the Bees wax wraps that have sat unused in my drawer for the past, dare I say, year or so. You know they are not so bad, in fact I am quite enjoying their versatility and the lovely patterns (I have a pack of Rosemary and a pack of Lavender designed wraps) are genuinely quite therapeutic to use.
- I no longer visit the Supermarket, well hardly ever! At first I didn’t think this would be possible but it actually is! We have the most amazing little stores that are not affiliated to the Big Duopoly, I will list a few of them at the end of this blog.

So the setting up or the getting started of this journey I admit has cost me more, I am out of pocket, but it will settle down now, my actual weekly shopping bill has now halved so in another week or so I will be even and then begin to make savings. But the thing I have noticed most is I actually LOVE the preparation of shopping – looking into the pantry to see what I need; the visual-ness of it is so satisfying and I LOVE to shop, I truely do grab the French Market Bag and dress as I described, I don’t know why it just all kind of fits and I LOVE to cook. I seem to be cooking simpler but it somehow tastes so much better.

I’m also going to share this breakfast recipe because not only does it look amazing, it is amazingly easy, amazingly delicious and amazingly sustaining and good for you.
- Mix together 1/4 C of Rolled Oats and roughly the same amount of Almond Milk into a jar or ramekin, add in a dash of cinnamon or turmeric, a table spoon of Collagen Powder (if you wish), some shredded coconut (if you wish) a few raw nuts, and a table spoon of Linseed or LSA.
- Cover (with a beeswax wrap/or seal the jar and pop in the fridge)
- Grab a small saucepan (or you can microwave) and pop in some lemon or lime juice about half a large fruit, and a scoop, about 1/4 Cup of Berries, I use blueberries and blackcurrants. Turn on the heat for a few minutes until the fruit is bubbling. Remove from the heat and mash the berries up, this creates a Couli, you can add a bit of sweetness but I like the tart taste.
- Allow this to cool.
- Remove the base from the fridge and it should be ‘set’ meaning the oats etc should have absorbed the milk. Top with a layer of yogurt, I like greek, but you could use coconut or any type, preferably plain though. Spread your Berry Couli on top of the yogurt and seal or wrap ready for morning.
- A clip top or a preserving jar is best if you are a grab and go breakfast person, but if you like a leisurely breakfast and coffee at home use a beautiful ramekin.
This is honestly a breakfast dessert! I find that with this in my belly I am good for several hours, its a power breakfast!
There are so many Instagram Accounts with Wholefood recipes that are so easy and so somehow beautiful. I recommend following a couple to get yourself in the groove, it won’t be long before you are inspired to give some of them a go and once you start you find it becomes sort of instinctive to cook and create from what you have.
So my favourite stores; most people have one but I tend to shop as an outing now, so I travel further afield than my hood and experience other things while I’m out. Last Sunday I ended up in Titirangi and found the best Coffee Shop ever and the coolest little Art Gallery, but that’s another blog altogether.
- Goodfor Store – very cool, love their compostable bags over the paper as you can reuse them where as the paper has a much shorter life span (and can spill or leach). Also love their Cassia range of Curry Sauces with accompanying simple recipe cards
- Refill Nation – again an experience store, great range of eco-products and they have beautiful locally made candles with crystals (so pretty) that you can return for a refill when you have burnt them. They also have free flow frozen fruits and vegetables.
- Sadly, Commonsense and Four Candles, my other two top choices have both closed down. Perhaps I should have written this blog a year ago!

Well you can see I am passionate about my new passion… this is a long blog! I hope after reading it you are inspired to make a change, for you, for your family and for the planet! Sounds corny but I have reinvented myself and me and this little grey house are loving it.
Total Cost $500