GOODBYE CARMO, HELLO HUGO Well, I have finally said goodbye to Carmo! Carmo and I have enjoyed a relationship for seven years but are ready to part ways. Perhaps it is the seven-year itch, though I wouldn’t say we are not compatible anymore. The fact we have rehomed ourselves and Carmo is not so sympathetic to the vibe of this little grey house means the beginning of a new relationship. Carmo was very happy at my little black
FIT FOR A QUEEN I am fairly pared back. Well, I say that, but my interiors do have a quirkiness—something you weren’t expecting. You may not like it or think it’s a little odd, but it pops up here and there and is what gives a home a uniqueness to the person or people who inhabit it. Take this little baby doll head; some think its a little ghoulish, I love it and went to great lengths to
HANGING BY A STRING This house little grey house is not large, but it is spacious, if that makes sense. Open plan living allows for these smaller homes to have the illusion of space even if it is all smoke and mirrors. I’ve also shared plenty about my need to anchor, to attach or float furniture as opposed to placing it. The String Shelving System is all about that! Designed in 1949 by a husband and wife duo
LEAN ON ME And so two months in and I am settling in this, my Little Grey House. My last raving about storage is still a reality, the list hasn’t diminished, in fact it continues to grow. I spoke of my stuff and how nothing seemed to fit… well even my bar stools were lost in space with the lack of a ‘bar’ to house them. For the loss of anything else to do I lined them up
SUSTAINABLE CHOICES I have to admit I have never bought into sustainable practices and for that I am now truely ashamed! It all started with a Sustainability Project in my workplace and I have to say this Internal Evaluation has been not only an eye-opener but a game-changer for me. Yes, there is still a roll of clingfilm in my kitchen drawer but its nearing the end-of-roll and end-of-life in my little house! Yes this does cause me
EVERYTHING HAS A HOME Moving house is hard! It is said to be one of THE MOST stressful events in an average persons life. Hmmm, I am beginning to agree. As a child my family moved a lot; I can remember coming home from school and finding empty packing boxes in my bedroom, this would be my signal… we’re moving again. When I grew up, and had control over these life-changing events, I chose not to move too
I HEART ART Lockdown meant we spent time staring at the same four walls wishing they were perhaps bigger, brighter, busier or quieter… I for one wished mine were a little more… interesting. Perhaps a structure to them to lift their flat and lifeless surface, give them strength and character. Of course I could paint them to give them colour, I could wallpaper them to give them pattern, I could even float some shelves to add texture but
TWENTY TWENTY TWO We had high hopes for 2022! The last few months of 2021 left us all exhausted, perhaps a little bit fearful and most definitely tired of counting down the days of isolation on our calendars. We welcomed 2022 with vigour; opening our doors in January to our family and friends, to the sunshine and to possibility but sadly the new Omicron variant of Corovirus crept in. We haven’t quite shut them, they remain a little
LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL Well I don’t know about you but I’m getting a little tired of staring at the same four walls. During these Lockdowns it can feel a little like they are closing in on you no matter how bright and white they may be. Though there is limited supply of non-necessity items during these enforced stay at home mandates having moved from a big house in the country to a small house
LOCKDOWN LEVEL 4 TAKE 2 So here we are again, Staying Home and Staying Safe but for me this time I like to say Staying Home and Staying Sane! Don’t get me wrong, I love my home, I am a homebody, but when staying home is a must and not a maybe I struggle. One thing I noticed (as I languished in all this T I M E) is how much my plants have grown, not only in