One Sofa Three Ways


Our sofa takes a lot of knocks, it should therefore be the most expensive piece of furniture in your living room, right?  Wrong!  Whether your sofa be Big Save or Bo Concept if it suits your needs and/or your style, then it is right for you.  Remember the more expensive you go the longer you will have it and it must see you through a possible house move, a redecorate and perhaps kids!

We have four living spaces to furnish at my little house so expensive sofas are not for me.  All of my current ones are from Freedom Furniture and do the job just nicely.  Ive never had cause to question quality though I know others who have, but I always buy their upper range and of course with four living spaces the usage for each is less than the average home.

Now if I was going to splurge then Carmo from Boconcept would be my ultimate choice however its too bulky for all but one of my living spaces, which leads me to the style needed for your home.

1.  If you have a small space with low ceilings buy a sofa with legs that you are able to see under, it makes your room feel larger.

2.  If your sofa is positioned in a sunny spot it will fade, add throws and if possible sunshades to minimize the damage

3.  Pull your sofa away from at least one wall if the space permits  though sofas with chaise lounges attached negate that need.





So we have #moodynature, #lightscandi and #prettypastels all in the same corner of my living room with my Freedom Hilton Modular Sofa as the base.  Each has a different look created with table options and accessories.

If you want any advice or to know where these gorgeous props are from send me an email or click on my Instagram link.  I’m off to drink that coffee and maybe eat that almond tart! x

Photography and Styling by My Little House

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