FIT FOR A QUEEN I am fairly pared back. Well, I say that, but my interiors do have a quirkiness—something you weren’t expecting. You may not like it or think it’s a little odd, but it pops up here and there and is what gives a home a uniqueness to the person or people who inhabit it. Take this little baby doll head; some think its a little ghoulish, I love it and went to great lengths to
I HEART ART Lockdown meant we spent time staring at the same four walls wishing they were perhaps bigger, brighter, busier or quieter… I for one wished mine were a little more… interesting. Perhaps a structure to them to lift their flat and lifeless surface, give them strength and character. Of course I could paint them to give them colour, I could wallpaper them to give them pattern, I could even float some shelves to add texture but