So here we are again, Staying Home and Staying Safe but for me this time I like to say Staying Home and Staying Sane!
Don’t get me wrong, I love my home, I am a homebody, but when staying home is a must and not a maybe I struggle.
One thing I noticed (as I languished in all this T I M E) is how much my plants have grown, not only in number but in size.
I remember many many years ago, (2014 to be exact, when lockdowns and masks were the thing of movies not a reality) writing a blog called the NEXT BIG THING. It was one of my firsts and it was all about the humble houseplant.
My plant collection has not changed much in this time, my favourites that were are still my favourites that are… though quite a bit bigger!
Philodendron Cordatum AKA The Heartleaf
Monstera Adonsonii AKA The Monkey Mask
Ficus Lyrata AKA The Fiddle Leaf Fig
Peperomia Polybtrya AKA Raindrop Plant
Strelitzia Juncea AKA Bird of Paradise
Monstera Deliciosa AKA Swiss cheese Plant
Zanzibar ZZ or The Eternity Plant
As for the benefits of filling your house with these pots of green, not only do they enliven a space they are said to; Improve your mood, reduce fatigue, stress and anxiety, minimise headaches by improving air quality and offer better performance and focus. I cannot offer any credence to these claims because I have never really lived without them but I’m willing to bet that there is more to the humble houseplant than meets the eye.