Changing it up


Those who live in my little house know that when they leave home in the morning it is often different when they return that night.

My husband used to struggle with it, now he barely bats an eye.

And so today my dining space is on the move with a couple of new prints to grace the walls and of course my new display ladder which I just cant seem to get enough of!  I’ve shared a few tips below to help you with your quest.

Try to make use of what you already have.  My dining table is very old now but changing up the chairs give it a new lease of life and by originally choosing the straight leg design it has a timeless quality.


Remember to centre your table with your art or a window as it gives the space a sense of balance.


Using a bench seat allows the eye to take in what sits atop the table and often gives more seating when required.  You can soften them up with a sheepie or a cushion.


When it comes to table styling rather than using just a centre piece use two opposing objects or groups of objects to visually elongate the table.



Use something different or unique and something natural.  The gorgeous branch was found on my daily walk, I’m not sure what it is but the whole bush was stunning with the sunlight streaming through it.


A rug is often good to anchor the table but make sure it is large enough that the chairs sit squarely on it when you are seated.  Often a 2.5 x 3.5 metre is a good choice for dining spaces. 

I struggled with the photography as the glass in the prints is not anti – reflective, so it acts as a mirror.  Choosing the right glass is a good idea but is a lot more expensive so make sure it is important to you.  The naked eye doesn’t pick up the reflections as much as a photo does.

Photography and Styling by My Little House

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