We took a bit of a road trip over Christmas time, I had some work to do so we combined it with a few days of holiday and whilst I am not one for long car drives I am also not one for little aircraft in flight, so it means we got to experience the natural landscapes of the East Cape – all seven hours of it! What struck me most was the colours; as Ive mentioned before I think colour via nature is always the best but Im often talking about the bright and vibrant colour palettes from flowers, here I take you back to the beautiful basics … always look to what you love in nature when deciding on your colour palette.
Is the sea blue or green? I love the way the two mix and pools of turquoise appear.
I love grey, it calms but never bores me, and here you can see why with the shades of charcoal through to dove grey and milky white on the rocky cliff. The sandy shore line gives you a perfect colour hue from brown to taupe to beige to ecru.
How many shades of green can you see?
Alabaster and orange on this clay bank blending perfectly with each other.
And this is where the description sky-blue comes from, so clear that it gives the underside of the leaves a silvery glow.
From jet black to beige to ecru – greige. Greige is that colour that is not quite beige and not quite grey, warm and cool all at once.
So that was my inspiration for the task that lay ahead, easy with this beauty behind me!