Where is your happy place?

We recently tookmylittlehouseopotiki a little trip to a small town where I grew up; I was desperate to visit my old house that I am sure was responsible for the passion I feel for interiors today.  Initially I had planned to write a blog about old homes and intended to include 60 Union Street in it. Back then it was big and grand with a maze of rooms, a giant rock fireplace centred in the living space, stairs up and down with hidey places galore, the letter box was an old wagon wheel, definitely the talk of the (small) town!  Okay, so it wasn’t that well laid out by today’s standards but I loved it, to me it was perfect.  Well, what I found was a falling down, neglected, unrecognisable, derelict and sad house; even the little cottage that used to sit prettily beside the main house was too slowly rotting into the landscape.  I was devastated!  For the last forty years that house has truly been my happy place!

Research says ohappyplace3ur homes past and present are responsible for our feel-good memories. Remember Little House on the Prairie? In our family we all used to watch it together, sharing a box of liquorice and cups of tea.  Laura Ingalls, who incidentally was the author of the books as well as the lead character; once said “Home is the nicest word there is.” and I have to agree…

It should calm you and inspire you, it should relieve you of all the pressures of your work, it should make  you feel safe,  when you need to rest and heal home is the place you should be and so when you leave your home you should feel joy and you should return to it weary but with joy.  For this to happen you need to feel a connection with it.  It should reflect who you are and be ever changing, as your ideals and needs change so too will your home, whether by a little touch here and there or a big renovation.

MLH STYLE FILE:  If you love something it will make you happy so therefore surround yourself with things that you love and experience HOME; the nicest word there is!

So when people say de-clutter, don’t if clutter makes you happy;


via Trendwelt.blogspot

When people say add colour but you only love white, stay pure;


via Pinterest

When people say out with the old but you love vintage, don’t listen;



After all; your place is the only place its ok to say ‘It’s all about me!’

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