I bought six strawberry plants a few weeks back for a styling job. I didn’t really expect them to survive the four weeks they were required to live inside but they did.
When I picked them up they were looking a little worse for wear but were hanging on! I left them in their gorgeous Ikea Bittergurka hanging planter in my scullery and promptly forgot about them.
Looking up today I see they have drooped a little more, but they are still hanging in there, now this deserves some respect!
So, I picked up a couple of bags of Tui Vege Mix, piled it in one of the raised gardens along with some sheep pellets and got them in, a couple of droopy parsleys joined them, (also rescued from the scullery), some new coriander or cilantro, (love that stuff), a tomato plant and some blue Salvia; just to get the bees interested.
I hope they make it… what would be summer without eating a strawberry, warmed by the sun, straight from the garden? (Or in a cold class of bubbles depending on the time of day!)
I will keep you posted x