Bathrooms are expensive, they are also one of the hardest rooms to get right. That’s because the space is generally small and there needs to be alot in there for it to function as its purpose.
A family bathroom is usually home to; a shower, a bath, a double vanity, a mirror, a toilet, a heated towel rail, tapware for the sinks, tapware for the bath, tapware for the shower, a toilet roll holder and often a shelf of some kind. This is alot of STUFF!
I know I sound boring but I mean it when I say keep your palette simple; if you add too much in here you will know doubt regret it in time to come. If you really want mosiac flooring or wall tiling then keep it to one colour, dont get excited about all that choice. The busier you get the smaller and more stressful that room will become.
Now I can give you a whole lot of advice around a bathroom renovation but this post is all about styling. So even when your bathroom is not pinterest-worthy you can fake it now until you make it later!
The selection is endless. If you want a white, soft fluffy towel my favourite is this one. If you like a bold pattern then this is for you and for a picture perfect one then this is it (but I dont personally like to use these).
On your vanity make sure you have a good quality hand soap and hand cream. For a good NZ made brand try Ashley and Co, I really enjoy Murchison Hume or for a good Supermarket brand try Only Good. I recommend a scented candle. I always light one when guests are coming, it makes the space so much more welcoming.
If your vanity doesn’t stretch to holding toilet rolls use a Belly basket or Le sac en papier. You can get both from For Keeps
If your bathroom is less than beautiful add some plants. They will totally transform the look and vibe. Add a shelf or a stand and load them in. Most tropical plants enjoy the moist bathroom conditions and I’ve found that a fiddle-leaf fig does exceptionally well in mine. Try an Aloe Vera plant (this is useful as well as decorative), a Peace Lily, Snake Plant, Spider Plant, Boston Fern all do well in the low light damp conditions of a bathroom.
Now with all the ‘stuff’ I spoke about earlier you may wonder why I am suggesting you add yet more! Well some bathrooms of an earlier generation just don’t have enough storage or space to put things – for example – a candle while you are bathing. I suggest a simple wooden stool – vintage ones can look great so try Trade Me, this one from Citta is my favourite but if you are looking more on a budget I suggest this one from Mocka, its light and versatile. Stay clear of metal – even if its powder coated its likely to get moisture in somewhere. If you want a really good storage option then you can’t get better than this wee postbox which is a replica of the famous Italian Componbilli. If you need somewhere to hang towels then a light weight ladder is a good addition. Floating shelves a perfect if you have some spare wall space. Hooks are invaluable you can go for something like this or these if you want to make a statement or just a simple one on the back of the door.
Before you put your poster in the frame its best to have it laminated. This will keep out the moisture and make it last longer.
If you have a tiled bathroom a small rug or mat is a perfect addition next to the vanity. I’ve used a little round one in mine to contrast all the straight lines in a bathroom.
And there you have it, a super simple, inexpensive solution to your bathroom woes! Next week; The Shelfie
Styling and Photography by My Little House