FIT FOR A QUEEN I am fairly pared back. Well, I say that, but my interiors do have a quirkiness—something you weren’t expecting. You may not like it or think it’s a little odd, but it pops up here and there and is what gives a home a uniqueness to the person or people who inhabit it. Take this little baby doll head; some think its a little ghoulish, I love it and went to great lengths to
LEAN ON ME And so two months in and I am settling in this, my Little Grey House. My last raving about storage is still a reality, the list hasn’t diminished, in fact it continues to grow. I spoke of my stuff and how nothing seemed to fit… well even my bar stools were lost in space with the lack of a ‘bar’ to house them. For the loss of anything else to do I lined them up
SUSTAINABLE CHOICES I have to admit I have never bought into sustainable practices and for that I am now truely ashamed! It all started with a Sustainability Project in my workplace and I have to say this Internal Evaluation has been not only an eye-opener but a game-changer for me. Yes, there is still a roll of clingfilm in my kitchen drawer but its nearing the end-of-roll and end-of-life in my little house! Yes this does cause me
EVERYTHING HAS A HOME Moving house is hard! It is said to be one of THE MOST stressful events in an average persons life. Hmmm, I am beginning to agree. As a child my family moved a lot; I can remember coming home from school and finding empty packing boxes in my bedroom, this would be my signal… we’re moving again. When I grew up, and had control over these life-changing events, I chose not to move too
BRASS TO BLACK The door to my little house is paneled wood; quite unloved it’s surface was largely weathered and looked fairly out of place in my monochrome interior, though I did love the dignity of it; a little bit of contrast to my mostly flat surfaces. It got a coat of Black Semi-Gloss paint soon after I moved in though I hadn’t gotten around to changing the hardware; brass and also fairly weathered they needed an upgrade.
STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN Well maybe not heaven but its looking a whole lot better than it did pre-lockdown. These stairs were stripped of their carpet in a renovation that never got finished. Perhaps they were to be re-carpeted, perhaps they were going to be finished with a wood overlay, who knows, but here in lockdown my #bubblepartner and I are looking to finish off this mid-century reno the cheapest way possible using what we have, perhaps to prove
PANTRY MAKEOVER Is it just me or are the Lockdown days going super fast? I don’t mean the days in numbers, more that the days seem to speed by with very little achieved. I wonder how, I squeezed in an 8-9 hour work day as well as maintaining a social life and managing my home all by myself. I also feel quite exhausted these days even though I seem to be sleeping 9-10 hours per night. Maybe its
TIME TO PAINT I’m not in my house during this Lockdown period, its unnerving, unsettling, I’m not the best at being a guest this I know so I’m making myself useful. Its not only time to paint but there is actually time to paint. Today is painting the exterior of this 1960’s bungalow. The colour choice was limited to what was here… the grey was bought at Christmas time and has been awaiting an opportunity to be opened,
NOOKS AND CRANNIES nook (no͝ok) n. 1. A small corner, alcove, or recess, especially one in a large room. 2. A hidden or secluded spot. Okay, tell me you don’t want to sometimes disappear; curl up somewhere safe and not be noticed if only for a while, just like you could do when you were little. I have a couple of spots like this at my little house, one is where I sit with my morning Nespresso, it
HOW TO SPRING CLEAN YOUR HOME Its getting close, you can smell it in the air, warmer weather is just around the corner! I can tell its close at my little house due to the layer of yellow pollen I just dusted off my dining table. It got me thinking, that layer of yellow dust, its time for a Spring Clean. Spring-Clean, why just Spring, what about Autumn, Winter and Summer? Well its like coming out of