My Little Office


Its strange working from home, yes I have to admit to occasionally still wearing PJ’s at lunch time whist at the computer and I have to admit to occasionally avoiding that same computer until at least lunch time.

One of the most important things I have found is to create a space that is not only comfortable but that inspires you.

I have a nook which is hidden behind some sliding doors with a built in desk, shelves to the ceiling and a moodboard; for writing this little spot is perfection, it allows me to come and go, just as my thoughts do.

I’ve put together and photographed a collection of inspiring work spaces using a simple Ikea trestle desk and a colour palette of black, white, grey and gold, with of course, some greenery.  So whether you work from home or just need a spot for your families computer you can create something that works for your little house.


How to create your beautiful space


We used a simple trestle table, though they lack storage they do provide the most aesthetically pleasing look and they help to minimise the clutter you often accumulate.  If you cant do with out some form of storage I recommend this clever design by Freedom Furniture, you can also look to what you have, like a vintage file drawer or a grouping of attractive boxes  Don’t be fooled into thinking you need a large desk, 120cm is usually sufficient.


Any lightweight design works well, try to think beyond the classic wheeled desk chair, a dining chair will offer you enough comfort.  Take a look over at Zuca and Tempt for an exceptional choice.  I am particularly fond of the simplicity of the Dune chair but if you want something a bit different this is just beautiful.


Using a large frame works well both functionally and aesthetically, simply use bluetack or washi tape for your bits and pieces.  A grid is a trendy alternative; use clippies or pegs to attach your visual items, however if your desk is in a living area and is for personal use I would suggest just a simple piece of art.


Your bits and pieces tell your story, its true however that Scandi inspired spaces sport similar pieces however you can make the space your own by mixing it up a little.  Make sure you add some form of plant life, as plants are said to promote clear thinking and increased productivity.


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Do you have a favourite?

Top Tips for working from home

Write a To Do List – I cant function properly without one, I tend to flit from one thing to another and then before I know it the day is done and Ive done little

Work Hours need to be set – though you have a wonderful flexibility don’t let that mean you work little all day then most of the night!

Keep your space tidy and beautiful – you need to be inspired and just at the moment a touch of gold is doing the trick for me.  Let yourself be surrounded by beautiful things.

Take a break and get some fresh air, I always take a #dailywalk, with my camera of course, you never know when inspiration will strike.

Don’t keep unhealthy foods in the kitchen – when you get bored you will find yourself eating.

Keep a water carafe on your desk, hydrating regularly really does help your brain to work better!

Make a lunch date at least once per week – even when you enjoy your own company you need to socialise

Photography and Styling by My Little House.  Interior Design by Crush.


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