Is Winter getting you down? Its hardly surprising; our bodies are fighting infection, vitamin D levels are low and we are cold! So what to do? Wait it out for the sunshine or make your Winter wonderful? Here are some hints and tips to help you along the way…
Stay home; do you really have to battle the mall today? Set the children up with some fun activities (see here) , do some baking, plug in the crockpot, watch movies, play music, read or get creative, sometimes even giving your house a good clean can be incredibly therapeutic.
Don’t pull the curtains; watch the weather, you will be surprised how beautiful winter actually is.
Keep warm; pull out the chunky throws and sheepskins, layer up the textures, light the fire-yes even in the morning-why not?
Light the candles, what could be more perfect than a glass of red wine in candlelight.
Decorate; Most of us plan our projects over the Winter months; it makes sense, we are indoors for longer and we recognise how important our abode is for our wellbeing. Take a good long look around you, what can be changed easily?
Rearrange the furniture; pull sofas away from the walls, this is not always possible, however if one side needs to be against a wall the others don’t need to be, even the smallest gap works wonders on how your room looks. Place a rug under your coffee table, make a focal point – it could be a view to outside, a fire place, a piece of art, a statement piece of furniture, lighting… anything but please not the TV!
Add some cushions (see here)
Create an art or feature wall (see here)
Add some colour (see here)
Paint or add wall paper or decals (see here)
Add some flowers (see here)
Wile away your winter blues by adding gorgeousness to your little house… it really works!
You can find these stunning images and more on Pinterest