Take it outside

TAKE IT OUTSIDE Summer is here!  This is what I keep reminding myself when the sun shines its rays of wonderful through the clouds.  The gardens are starting to smile with their colours breaking through the green of the last few months. The truth is we don’t need to spend thousands on our outdoor spaces.  The positioning of some objects will change the look outside just as it does in.  Think of it as a whole new room you
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Replica vs The Real Deal

I used to think if you cant afford the real thing you shouldn’t have it, however it didn’t take me all that long to realise – with a little help from my husband aka “he who likes to save money” – that unless I wanted to collect a set of Eames dining chairs one by one I wasn’t likely to have them! And so I’ve relented and bought replicas and you know what; they are gloriously glamorous and we can all sit down
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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

Sometimes it’s hard to find the energy to deck out your house for the festive season, often, (and I’ve been guilty of this too), a wreath on the door and a tree in the living room is as far as we get.  Work is more demanding, children are starting to get excited and tired, party season starts and the weekends are full.  But I do suggest you take the time to decorate your little house in your chosen style
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Patience is a virtue

PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE… To collect things you need to be patient, it takes time to seek, locate and acquire objects, and then to group and display.  I think you are born a collector but the best collections are those that belong to patient people.  You see, my stamp album got discarded early on as I didn’t like all the blank spaces.  My collection of Dolls of the World was fantastic, but I needed more, the collection couldn’t
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Oh Deer Me

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when my affair with antlers started; what do they and I have in common?  I’m certainly not a hunter nor remotely even related to one in fact long forgotten memories of Bambi come to mind and I shudder internally and maybe even externally.  However, I am obsessed, totally in love with these objects of desire. Perhaps it was the paper Mache deer heads I noticed in Redcurrant in one of my weekly trips there a
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