SUSTAINABLE CHOICES I have to admit I have never bought into sustainable practices and for that I am now truely ashamed! It all started with a Sustainability Project in my workplace and I have to say this Internal Evaluation has been not only an eye-opener but a game-changer for me. Yes, there is still a roll of clingfilm in my kitchen drawer but its nearing the end-of-roll and end-of-life in my little house! Yes this does cause me
Banana Bread Recipe
LOCKDOWN BANANA LOAF RECIPE I used to make Banana Bread/Cake or Muffins when the banana-lovers in my home were away or for some reason stopped eating them… in this new regime of ‘Staying Home’ I think taking a Banana and making it become so much more is pleasure for both the stomach and the mind. This is my favourite , its the quickest and easiest as well as the most moist I’ve ever made, and in the spirit
Rosemary and Orange Shortbread
ROSEMARY and ORANGE SHORTBREAD I am a sucker for pretty things, pretty things that taste good, even better, so when I stumbled upon this gorgeous post on Lunch Lady Blog with a simple recipe, put together in cohorts with our very own Elenor Ozich I had to try it. So here it is, tried and tested in my little kitchen and like all good food processor recipes it is super easy! The Biscuit 1 1/3 cups of flour 2/3
SUNDOWNER The name Sundowner comes from Africa, it represents the early evening when you can celebrate a good days work with a drink, preferably a G & T, while you watch the sun go down. I prefer my Gin and Tonic pool side, well before the sun goes down, on a lazy Summer weekend and sometimes I think it’s best not to mess with a good thing; G & T and a wedge of lemon has done us
Sticky Date Pudding
STICKY DATE PUD Sometimes I share recipes, not often as I’m no great chef and I do tend to stick to meals that I know work and that everyone likes. Searching for an easy dessert to serve last week took me through my cookbook shelf, most of them required a trip to buy chocolate or other such things that I try not to keep in the cupboards (I’m not good with resisting temptations) and living semi-rural means a trip to
SANGRIA SANGRIA There is something about those long lunches with girl friends; the conversation never dies, the laughs are quick and sometimes even the tears. Those lunches are special, each one marked, noted in my memory bank. Remember when… This one we had Sangria. We talked, laughed, shared and that drink now has a special place in my memory. So, a recipe is in order. Sangria is Spanish, traditionally made with Red Wine. I prefer White or Rosé. I’m
Anzac Bliss Balls
ANZAC BLISS BALLS I’m usually a Anzac Biscuit Baker but this year I’m all about the Bliss Ball! Actually I burnt them, so a quick internet search brought me to this somewhat trendy and easier option. Traditional, perhaps not, and sadly lacking the crunch, but the good old Chelsea Golden Syrup gives you the Anzac-ey flavour that we kiwis are all about this time of year! We spend our Anzac Morning at the local reserve where the service
Boozy Birthday Fudge
ALL OR NOTHING There are some people in this world that will buy a block of chocolate, eat two squares and place the rest into the refrigerator. Often these people wont go back for another couple of squares for days later. I-am-not-that-person. Sadly my husband is, sadly I say because after he places the 98% full block into the fridge – I finish it for him. Yes that is right I cannot leave that block alone until it
Hydrate me
HYDRATE ME Our biggest enemy is often ourselves. We know what we should be doing and sometimes we do it, other times we do the direct opposite and wonder why we don’t feel good. I often sit at my desk and think about how thirsty I am but instead of drinking a glass of water I have a coffee, or worse. Well let me tell you water is where its at. The best advice I have heard via
Chocolate Brownie Balls
CHOCOLATE BROWNIE BALLS I am no great baker, nor, have I decided, do I want to be. No, that would just be far too tempting and there are enough temptations in life without adding another that ultimately no good is going to come from. Agree? Okay, then here is the recipe to end all recipes, its a pick me up, a sweet snack sensation without all the fuss and bother and without all the refined sugar; something to