Bathe in Beauty

We have been looking at real estate lately, its a fairly disappointing affair as our list of wants probably outweighs our bank balance.  However there are some things that should not skimped on, and even in the higher end of our property market I’ve noticed that the quality of the bathrooms do not always match the quality and price of the house. I have a couple of bathroom renovations at mylittlehouse under my belt; one went without a hitch and the
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Flash Back

Its time for a little blast from the past.   Who remembers Lockwood Homes?  Quintessentially  Kiwi!  I remember my mother dreaming of one of these prefab timber houses back in the 80’s, and then, well, things changed, there was not a piece of timber adorning any new homes during the next decade.  We opted for paint in all colours imaginable; feature walls were a big hit and outside plaster, plaster everywhere plaster combined with untreated timber framing – hmmmm that didn’t really go well for us though
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New Year New Look

My style is one of those that is hard to define exactly, I love the calm of Nordic design, but alone I find it a little boring so add in a wee bit of Vintage and a touch of Mid Century with a little bit of Quirkiness and a touch of Organic Modern and there you have it.  My little house.  Does this make it an eclectic space?  In a way yes; bringing different theories together to compliment each
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Light up my life

I found these lovelies in Freedom Furniture today, a little by accident but nevertheless found them… and brought a couple home.  They are simply beautiful; so beautiful in fact it would rude of me not to share it with you! Photography and Styling by My Little House I have long since coveted a Lee Broom Crystal Light Bulb and these are about as close as you are going to get, (though they are mere glass not crystal), and therefore
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I don’t get out to shop much these days in person, online seems to have taken over for me, sad but practical, if not a little dangerous as well! Yesterday, however I was out and about and during my coffee stop I spied these gorgeous patterned tiles. I love the yellow accent stools the designer has chosen for this café, they compliment the grey beautifully without detracting from the wonderful patterns. Now this got me thinking; haven’t I
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Christmas Tablescape

  Officially as the 01st December I can start to post some Christmas Magic; I’m not really feeling it yet so lets see if a little styling can make it happen. And what better place to start than some Christmas Tablescapes? Photography and Styling by mylittlehouse Rosemary, artificial berries, cinnamon sticks and a tealight in a wooden pinch pot Add a wooden serving tray, linen napkin, black cutlery and a paper ornament Or gold cutlery – cant decide! And don’t forget the
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Serial Renovators

Its official I have admitted it … we are serial renovators! And so, here we are three weeks out from Christmas and we have tiles and carpet coming up and new flooring going down, but let me tell you, it doesn’t stop there.  In the land of renovations one thing leads to another to another to another, so in order for our new floors to go down the skirtings must come off and new ones need to go on, the scullery
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Saving Strawberries

I bought six strawberry plants a few weeks back for a styling job.  I didn’t really expect them to survive the four weeks they were required to live inside but they did. When I picked them up they were looking a little worse for wear but were hanging on!  I left them in their gorgeous Ikea Bittergurka hanging planter in my scullery and promptly forgot about them. Looking up today I see they have drooped a little more,
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Champagne and Scents

An afternoon at the lovely Imo in Parnell with divine Raw Food, Champagne and the beautiful aroma, (and company), of Ashley and Co. A celebration of their reinvention – and just why did they need to reinvent this iconic NZ product I hear you ask.  They didn’t really, but I’m so glad they did. My go-to product for styling, and of course, gifting, has just got a little bit more beautiful and dare I say it, practical! And homeward bound with my
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Perfectly Imperfect

Visitors to my little house tell me it all looks so perfect and yet within it lies a lot of imperfect stuff; and so really, what constitutes perfect? There is surely beauty in imperfection and is not perfection a bias to those who are judging it to be so? A perfect day for one may be that of brilliant sunshine whereas to another the rain on the roof may constitute perfect-ness. But to the world of interiors?  Well you can
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