LAGOM What do we kiwis know about Lagom? Is it a way of life that we could adopt to create a better place to live? New Zealanders will argue that we are the greenest country on the planet, but perhaps that is only because we are such a young country with more space than population. At-the-moment! While sitting in early morning traffic in Albany, on Aucklands North Shore I took a really good look at the construction going
My Stories
It was a nice idea
IT WAS A NICE IDEA “Do you have children” is a common conversational question. Yes I do I have a son, Nick, he is 5, hes 10, hes 15, hes 20. At 5 a common retort would be “are you having any more”, at 10 its a just a questioning look, at 15, surprise, at 20, confusion. No one actually says – why just one – but they think it. There was more, little bundles of cells that
Boozy Birthday Fudge
ALL OR NOTHING There are some people in this world that will buy a block of chocolate, eat two squares and place the rest into the refrigerator. Often these people wont go back for another couple of squares for days later. I-am-not-that-person. Sadly my husband is, sadly I say because after he places the 98% full block into the fridge – I finish it for him. Yes that is right I cannot leave that block alone until it
Hydrate me
HYDRATE ME Our biggest enemy is often ourselves. We know what we should be doing and sometimes we do it, other times we do the direct opposite and wonder why we don’t feel good. I often sit at my desk and think about how thirsty I am but instead of drinking a glass of water I have a coffee, or worse. Well let me tell you water is where its at. The best advice I have heard via
A Daybed – A bed for the Day
A BED FOR THE DAY I’ve been blogging a little lately, off the track of interiors into the world of life, simply because I sometimes feel so overwhelmed with everything that I need to just take a breath and a step back to appreciate things as they are. This doesn’t mean I am stopping my interior dreams and aspirations for my little house (which I must add seems to always be a WIP) certainly not, but sometimes I
Lavender Spray
LAVENDER SPRAY We all need a treat, right? It seems to me that we often live our lives on a roller coaster of being really good or really bad. Why we can’t just find a middle ground I’m not sure. Perhaps its media; eat this, don’t eat that, do this, don’t do that. Perhaps its the whole Adam and Eve and the Apple thing. Can we not live a life where the little things can bring a form
Its all about balance
ITS ALL ABOUT BALANCE I’m all for creating a lifestyle that you love. A little Hygge. It seems a little contrived, it should just happen, but often there needs to be some sort of organisation for things to be able to occur naturally. The word Hygge; which in essence means to be cozy, to be still, to share, to be content, to feel well, to enjoy simple things; is something that can happen only when all your ducks are
Five top tips for moving house
MOVE ME As a child we moved a fair amount. I remember coming home from school and seeing a pile of boxes in the corner of my bedroom which meant… get ready, we’re on the move! It became quite an art of precision. Pack the boxes, label the boxes, load the boxes, unpack the boxes, settle in and relax. Until, you come home from school one day and there they are, those boxes waiting for you, again. Once
Comfort Food
COMFORT FOOD There is always a recipe you relate to that feeling of comfort, of contentment and warmth. A Hygge recipe. This is mine. I was given it by my Aunt so I don’t know its exact origin, but it quickly became the recipe I pull out when someone is coming for lunch at short notice, or a casual dinner, I’ve handed it out to many friends and family, so I thought it was time I get it in
Velvet in Interiors
MY VELVET CRUSH Interior Designers love velvet, we cant help ourselves, just ask my friend Nita from The Gooses Bridle. Shes a little obsessed! Velvet to us, is like what Tonic is to Gin, Ice cream is to Jelly and Juliet is to Romeo, (well not quite, but its a good analogy). Seeing velvet makes us go weak at the knees, its our biggest crush! For me it started with my first home, technically it was my second